Kunming Bosen Precious Metal Materials Processing Co,Ltd.
开元平台成立于 2012 年 8 月 14 日,注册资金 2000 万元,位于昆明市东川区天生桥工业园区,是一家集贵金属材料的研发、生产、销售于一体的民营高科技企业。
企业主营业务为贵金属精细化合物、贵金属均相及非均相催化剂、贵金属电子浆料、贵金属粉体材料、贵金属 CVD 前驱体,贵金属电镀前驱体及稀贵金属二次资源绿色回收的生产与研发,并且能够根据客户的需求提供产品定制服务。产品用户涵盖电子信息、船舶、汽车、石油、生物医药、化学化工、矿产冶金、环保能源、航空、航天及国防军工等领域。
Aiming to be a leading technology group, the Kunming Bosen Precious Metal Materials Processing Co. Ltd, was founded in 2012, in Kunming, Yunnan, China. The Bosen Metal has contrib- uted to supply the high-quality and the products of precious metals which are utilized in the applications such as automobiles, electrical component, catalyst, clean energy, recycling, nanotech- nology, and biotechnology. The corporation has been preoccupied with the customers’ needs and has developed precious metal fine compounds, preciousmetal organic compounds, precious metal nanoparticle, precious metal paste, precious metal CVD precursors and the green recycling technology of spent precious metals materials. In order to meet consumers' requirements and provide overall solution to various industrles, the company researches and gets to know the potentials in the precious metals. In the 2018 financial year, Bosen Metal generated 0.1 billion reve- nues with approximately 30 employees in the domestic market. We are constantly striving to improve our performance with technical expertise and pay close attention to technological innova- tions and the refinements of traditional technologies.
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